
图1 观测与模拟1980年代以来的南亚夏季风降水变化
Figure 1 Observed and simulated South Asia summer monsoon precipitation trends since the early 1980s
该研究以“Increased aerosol scattering contributes to the recent monsoon rainfall decrease over the Gangetic Plain”为题发表在2023年8月的Science Bulletin上。
Ying, T., Li, J.*, Jiang, Z., Liu, G., Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Dong, Y. and Zhao, C.*, 2023: Increased aerosol scattering contributes to the recent monsoon rainfall decrease over the Gangetic Plain. Science Bulletin, 68(21), 2629-2638. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2023.08.052.
Increased aerosol scattering contributes to the recent monsoon rainfall decrease over the Gangetic Plain
Aerosol radiative forcing has long been recognized to play important roles in driving local and global climate anomalies. Aerosols are also the most uncertain factor in anthropogenic forcing of climate change. The forcing of aerosols arises from the changes of both their total loading and compositions. While these two factors are implicitly embedded in climate change simulations, out study explicitly investigates the role of change relative fraction of scattering and absorbing aerosols. Using CESM1.2.2, we separate the relative importance of aerosol total loading change represented by aerosol optical depth (AOD) and aerosol compositional change represented by single scattering albedo (SSA), and find that SSA change is more effective cooling the upper troposphere in northern South Asia and suppress upward motion. This indicates that aerosol compositional change has a key role in perturbing temperature structure and hydrological cycle, which is even stronger than changing aerosol total loading alone.
Further analysis of CMIP6 historical simulations show that most of the models don’t capture the precipitation decrease in northeastern South Asia. Although these models show good consistency simulating the increasing trends of AOD, few of them successfully capture the increasing trends of SSA. Models with better representation of SSA trend tend to simulate a better precipitation trend comparing to observations. This result emphasizes the importance of accurate representation of aerosol composition and its optical properties my climate models in additional to aerosol total loading, and also shows the urgent need for SSA observations in a larger range.
This study has been published at Science Bulletin named ‘Increased aerosol scattering contributes to the recent monsoon rainfall decrease over the Gangetic Plain’.