Constraining the Warming Effect of High-altitude Water Ice Clouds on Early Mars in a 3D Moist General Circulation Model with a Simplified Cloud Microphysical Scheme
Geologic evidence suggests >102-yr-long lake-forming climates persisted on Mars 3-4 Ga. These early warm climates cannot be explained by the greenhouse effect of CO2 and water vapor alone. Recently, a warming mechanism for early Mars based on high-altitude water ice clouds was proposed, for situations where the surface water inventory is limited and far away from tropical regions. However, microphysical representations of clouds and precipitation remain one of the main uncertain factors for climate modeling of terrestrial planets, including present-day Earth. Here we use a three-dimensional moist general circulation model (3D moist GCM) with a simplified cloud microphysical scheme to constrain the potential warming effect of high-altitude water ice clouds in a physical parameter space. In our GCM, the cloud sink term is characterized by a constant timescale that can be interpreted as the conversion timescale from clouds to precipitation. Two distinct climate regimes emerge as the conversion timescale of cloud particles is varied in the GCM simulations, separated by the time scale of ~10 days when the global climate dramatically jumps from a cold state to a warm state. We show that this dramatic climate transition results from a strong positive feedback loop among surface evaporation, cloud mass, and the atmospheric greenhouse effect, and develop a toy model with such positive feedback to reproduce the GCM simulations. The behavior of dramatic climate transition is robust as we vary the surface ice distribution, surface CO2 pressure, and the obliquity of the planet in the GCM simulations. Our findings suggest that theoretical or experimental studies on cloud microphysics (e.g., cloud radii, conversion timescales) in ancient Mars' atmospheric conditions are crucial for quantifying the warming effect of high-level water ice clouds.

Left panel: Global annual mean surface temperature as a function of the lifetime of cloud particles τc in SP (black solid) and EQ (red dashed) simulations with standard parameters. Right panels: Surface water ice distributions in the SP and EQ simulations. Brown shading represents land.