Lu Zhang1, Hongsheng Zhang1*, Qianhui Li1, Xuhui Cai2, Yu Song2
1. Laboratory for Climate and Ocean-Atmosphere Studies, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P.R. China
2. State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P.R. China
* Correspondence to: Hongsheng Zhang (
An extreme dust storm hit North China from March 14 to 16, 2021. With the enhanced observations in Beijing, the vertical dispersion of long-range transported dust was investigated from the perspective of atmospheric turbulence. A framework was developed by combining turbulence intermittency parameters to distinguish intermittent or continuous turbulence; thus, the evolution of turbulence and its role in dust dispersion is clearly illustrated on March 15, 2021. Initially, turbulence remained in the long quiescent period and turbulent exchange was suppressed significantly, which negligibly increased the dust mass concentration in the lower atmosphere, despite the dust mass being located at 300 to 800 m. Then, a short turbulence burst occurred as the cold front approached Beijing, and elevated dust was mixed downward intensely and rapidly, leading to a sharp increase in the near-surface dust mass concentration. Finally, continuous turbulence dominated and diffused dust upward when the cold front fully occupied Beijing. Furthermore, the dissimilarity between the turbulent transport of dust and momentum-heat depends on the presence of dust sources (e.g., elevated dust mass and advection). When dust sources exist, there is efficient dust transport by large-scale turbulence, and thus the transport of dust and momentum-heat is similar. However, when there is no dust source, dust particles do not follow the air mass for small-scale turbulence and exhibit strong random movements, which confounds downgradient transport by large-scale turbulence and leads to low dust transport efficiency. In this condition, the conventional flux-gradient method is not applicable to dust flux estimation especially by replacing the diffusion coefficient or universal function of dust mass concentration with that of momentum or heat.

Dust flux, Turbulence intermittency, Quadrant analysis, Severe dust storm, Beijing
Zhang, Lu, Zhang, Hongsheng, Li, Qianhui, Cai, Xuhui, & Song, Yu. (2022), Vertical dispersion mechanism of long-range transported dust in Beijing: Effects of atmospheric turbulence, Atmospheric Research, 269, 106033.